Monday, June 08, 2009

peektures. again.

basically, the photos consists of MON's trip to the pool& our last day with her, k session with baby, TK& gwen and lastly st. james night.

p.s: it took me a painstaking 1/2 hour to put on the eye lashes. but i think my effort paid off. wahahaha. being vain, takes so much effort& energy. haha.

i'm off to watch my boys before flowers alr.

ok. bye.


  1. Aqidah12:53 AM

    OHHHHH!!! Boys over flowers!! :):):):) you prefer Ji Hoo or Jun Pyo? hehehhehee!

  2. i prefer JUN PYOOOO! haha. ji hoo looks like ghost can. but i think, i'd prefer yi jung. lol. he's so cute can. lol. i din know you'll watch. hahaha. enjoy your HOLS!!!! 1 more week.
