Sunday, August 10, 2008

hello. party's over. nth much happened. i think it wasnt't good enough, or not good at all. i don't think he enjoyed it. hmmmmmm. i really don't know. i didn't get to see his 100%s. kinda disappointed indeed.

anws, first time trying sheshaa. hmmmm. not as awesome as i expected, but i think i'll go down to chill again some day. heh.

it's good to have so much friends around you. but i wonder if this is temporary. friends come and go like how we all did. we somehow just left each others' life. or did i leave? remembering when i was young, or maybe everybody, i always told myself that friendship do last. but i never tot how long it would last. it could last for 1 min, few months, but is there a forever to friendship? i think it all boils down to how we go about being friends.

i feel like going off track. i feel like. i need you to hold on to me, hold me tight. i want to feel secure for once. i want to feel appreciated. i want to feel pampered, very pampered like never before. i don't want to be your sand bag, something to vent your anger on. i don't want to be someone just there to satisfy your selfish needs. i'm someone selfish too, can't you see it? sometimes, i'd really appreciate you putting me before anything. i feel stupid to be putting up with everything. hold on to me. please. i think i've never been so drained before. emotionally drained. hold on to me. one last try, then i'll leave. i'd really leave this time.

sometimes, i wonder why i'm jealous of your happiness? i guess it's simply because i don't feel much of it now.

am i making this moment or this moment making me?i just wish for someone who can answer all of my doubts right now.

emo-ing for now. sorry guys. there's a reason for blogs being online diary. some place for rants. pictures up next time. TC peeps.
i wonder if you see any of this.

i still love you. pls don't make it fade away.

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